- Added a 'Terms' link when abstracts are shown. This passes the abstract text through
- The Whatizit pipe web service, which recognises terms such as protein names and biological processes, linking them to services such as UniProt and Gene Ontology (respectively).
- A database of Wikipedia page titles, which recognises terms for which Wikipedia pages exist and links them directly to Wikipedia (this works in a similar way to Stefan Magdalinski's Wikiproxy).
- Reworked the 'References' page for each article, so it now includes
- Details for the current article
- A list of papers citing that article
- A list of papers cited by that article
- Trackbacks to that article sent from other websites
The citation data comes from BioMed Central's corpus of Open Access publications: although CrossRef, ISI and Elsevier each have a huge database of cross-citation information, they still like to keep it all to themselves in their own for-pay territories.
- Added 'cited by' and improved 'tagged by' counts.
- Move the 'Clear Clipboard' function into the menu bar.
- Added a link to send searches to EBIMed, a text-mining MEDLINE search engine that shows "associations between UniProt protein/gene names, GO annotations, Drugs and Species" in a table linked to abstracts.
- Various other tweaks and bug fixes.