Notepress for Wordpress 2

It's taken a while to get round to updating Notepress for the newest release of Wordpress, but I've decided to take the route of only providing the files that are changed from the default Wordpress installation. So, to upgrade:

  1. Download the newest release of Wordpress (tested with 2.0.1 so far), rename your old Notepress folder (don't delete it yet) and put the new Wordpress folder in its place. Rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php and copy the database settings from wp-config.php in the old folder to the new folder, then run /wp-admin/upgrade.php in your browser and the basic Wordpress installation should be complete.
  2. Download the zipped Notepress folder.
  3. Replace Wordpress' wp-contents folder with Notepress' wp-contents folder (containing the theme and plugins).
  4. Put the wpsb-files folder into Wordpress' root folder.
  5. Put everything from the wp-admin archive into Wordpress' wp-admin folder (this replaces the default admin index.php and adds the wp-sb* files).
  6. In the Options page of wp-admin (in your browser), under the Discussion section, make sure the first three options are disabled (Attempt to notify any Weblogs linked to from the article; Allow link notifications from other Weblogs; Allow people to post comments on the article).
  7. In the Plugins page of wp-admin (in your browser), make sure all four plugins listed below are activated.

That should be everything, hopefully. The differences from the default Wordpress installation are: