2 Steps to Making MySpace Nicer

Basically, this will stop the autoplay of media files and get rid of all the custom styles.
  1. Install this Greasemonkey script to fix the MP3 player (which is actually really useful by itself).
    Update: MySpace have just recently added an option to turn autoplay off for all pages. Anyway, this script should still be useful if you don't have a MySpace account (and it also completely stops the Flash player from loading, until you ask it to).
  2. Install this variation on the MySpace Sanitizer userstyle:
    @-moz-document domain(myspace.com) {
    * {
      background: #fff !important;
      color: #000 !important;
      border-color: #eee !important;
    -moz-opacity:1 !important;
    width: 100% !important;
    a {
      color: blue !important;
    iframe, embed {
      display:none !important;
    img {
      max-width: 300px !important;
    input {
      z-index: 1000 !important;
    body table tbody tr td table tbody tr td.text table tbody tr td table tbody tr td div a, body table tbody tr td table tbody tr td.text table tbody tr td table tbody tr td b a {
      display: none !important;
    .contactTable a img {
      visibility:visible !important;
    #header {
      height: auto !important;
    #mp3player embed {
      display: block !important;