Marking up a bibliographic reference with RDFa

As an example of adding RDFa to a bibliographic reference, are there any improvements that could be made to this?:
(the URIs are fictitious)

<ol xmlns:bibo="" xmlns:dc="">
  <li about="" typeof="bibo:AcademicArticle">
    <a href="" property="dc:title" xml:lang="en">Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades macrophage defenses by inhibiting plasma membrane repair.</a>
    <a href="" rel="dc:creator">Maziar Divangahi</a> <i>et al.</i>
    <a href="" rel="dc:isPartOf"><abbr property="dc:title" content="Nature Immunology">Nat. Immunol.</abbr></a>
    <span property="bibo:volume">10</span>, 
    <span property="bibo:pageStart">899</span> - <span property="bibo:pageEnd">906</span>
    (<span property="dc:date" content="2009-06-01">2009</span>)
    DOI: <span property="bibo:doi">10.1038/ni.1758</span>
which produces this:
  1. Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades macrophage defenses by inhibiting plasma membrane repair.
    Maziar Divangahi et al.
    Nat. Immunol. 10, 899 - 906 (2009)
    DOI: 10.1038/ni.1758

When embedded in an XHTML page it seems to validate, and the right things get extracted when the HTML is put into the RDFa fragment parser.

Thanks to Bruce D'Arcus for an example to base this on.